I need to take a painkiller. I _ _ _ _ _ a toothache since this morning.
I am sorry to say that you are not _ _ _ _ _ to come in Here.
this morning.
The _ _ _ _ _ of this new drug is not known yet, as it's still in the trial process.
The climbers didn't succeed _ _ _ _ _ reaching the mountain peak due to extreme weather conditions.
Danny was really surprised when he _ _ _ _ _ Francesca in Westminster Abbey.
When the firemen arrived, the fire was out of control in the forest but they managed to put it _ _ _ _ _ at most.
Most people who travel _ _ _ _ _ airlines all have stories _ _ _ _ _ how bad the experience is when things go wrong.
If the birth rate in Turkey _ _ _ _ _ controlled, the population _ _ _ _ _ in the next 30 or 35 years, increasing from about 80 million people to about 150 million.
In this case _ _ _ _ _ the conciliators make it possible for you to get the conclusion, however only either of them can be on it in accordance with the rules, not both, you must agree to _ _ _ _ _ .
Plastic is harmful _ _ _ _ _ when it is burned it produces nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide.
11. Soruda cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
Around the world, _ _ _ _ _ , up to 100 children a month are leaving the classroom
12. Soruda, verilen duruma uygun ifadeyi bulunuz.
Your sister is watching her favourite TV series, Aşk-I Memnu, but she has the volume too loud for you to fous on your thesis. Not wanting to spoil her film, but you need sustained quietness to write, you ask her:
Bu soruda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
(I)Between 1700 and 1725, the Caribbean was a relatively lawless place with numerous merchant ships traversing the high seas with no authorities to protect them. (II) These factors helped to make this period the golden age of piracy. (III) It turns out that many common beliefs about pirates are not true. (IV) They didn’t walk the plank, they rarely buried treasure, and they weren’t always criminals. (V) Another recent hypothesis is that pirates used the eyepatch to protect their dark-adapted vision.
(I) Also called The Virgin Queen and Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth I was one of the most powerful English monarchs ever. (II) She reigned between 1558 and 1603. (III) She was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. (IV) One of her daughters became the Queen of England and another the Queen of Naples and Sicily. (V) Elizabeth I ruled over a period of immense exploration and invention.
Bu soruyu metne göre cevaplayınız.
There are many different reasons for home-schooling. Some parents see better educational opportunities for their child in home-schooling. They think that they can better prepare their children for the life outside of school. Some children can also learn better at home. Home-schooling is also an option for families living in remote rural areas those temporarily abroad, those who travel frequently and therefore face the physical impossibility or difficulty of getting their children into school. Health reasons and special needs can also play a role in why children cannot attend a school regularly and are at least partially home-schooled.
One point emphasized in the passage is that _ _ _ _ _ .
It’s understood from the passage that home-schooling _ _ _ _ _.
It can be concluded from the passage that, _ _ _ _ _ .
There are increasing numbers of people who, like myself, no longer want to eat meat, fish and poultry and are turning to a vegetarian diet. Certainly, we do not have to kill to feed ourselves. All the proteins, vitamins and minerals that we need in order to live and to be healthy are easily available in the endless variety of plant life, and in those gifts, animals give us painlessly, such as milk and eggs. People often ask me, puzzled, how vegetarians eat. Their puzzlement is real. They think of their own meals without the meat and think "how awful". In fact, their meals are pretty awful anyway: dull, unimaginative, boring. Even in 'good' cooking, variety is usually found only in the main course, usually meat or fish. Things like salads, vegetables and bread are of little importance and are the same every time. But, vegetarian cookery is rich and varied, full of many marvellous dishes with a character all their own.
One of the main concerns of the author is to _ _ _ _ _ .
Which of the following best describes the author's attitude toward vegetarianism?